150 Best Yo Mama Jokes of All Time For A Laugh

Funniest yo momma jokes are perfect for a good chuckle, a joke-off among friends, or just to brighten your day. These comedic your mom jokes have been entertaining generations with their clever wit and playful banter. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of humor to your day or unleash your inner comedian, hilarious yo mama jokes are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and keep you laughing for days to come.

Classic Yo Mama Jokes

Yo mama is so fat, when she sat on a rainbow, Skittles popped out.

Yo mama is so old, her social security number is 1.

Yo mama is so stupid, she put lipstick on her forehead to make up her mind.

Yo mama is so fat, when she wears high heels, she strikes oil.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she tried to enter an ugly contest, they said, “Sorry, no professionals.”

Yo mama is so old, she knew Burger King when he was just a prince.

Yo mama is so stupid, she tried to climb Mountain Dew.

Yo mama is so fat, her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she walks into a bank, they turn off the cameras.

Yo mama is so old, her birth certificate says expired on it.

Yo mama is so stupid, she thought a quarterback was a refund.

Yo mama is so fat, when she goes camping, the bears hide their food.

Yo mama is so ugly, she made a blind kid cry.

Yo mama is so old, her memory is in black and white.

Yo mama is so stupid, she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.

Yo mama is so fat, when she steps on a scale, it says, “One at a time, please.”

Yo mama is so ugly, her reflection quit.

Yo mama is so old, her first car was a chariot.

Yo mama is so stupid, she sold her car for gas money.

Yo mama is so fat, she uses a satellite dish as a dinner plate.

Yo Mama is So Big

Yo mama is so big, she has her own zip code.

Yo mama is so big, when she fell in the Grand Canyon, she got stuck.

Yo mama is so big, when she walks, she causes mini earthquakes.

Yo mama is so big, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people yell, “Taxi!”

Yo mama is so big, Godzilla took one look at her and ran.

Yo mama is so big, she uses a hula hoop as a belt.

Yo mama is so big, when she sits around the house, she really sits around the house.

Yo mama is so big, even Dora can’t explore her.

Yo mama is so big, she blocks out the sun.

Yo mama is so big, her graduation picture was an aerial shot.

Yo mama is so big, when she steps on a scale, it says, “To be continued.”

Yo mama is so big, her shadow weighs 100 pounds.

Yo mama is so big, when she wears a red dress, people shout, “Kool-Aid!”

Yo mama is so big, she broke the stairway to heaven.

Yo mama is so big, when she goes to the movies, she sits next to everybody.

Yo mama is so big, she has to iron her pants on the driveway.

Yo mama is so big, she uses the ocean as her bathtub.

Yo mama is so big, she can’t even jump to a conclusion.

Yo mama is so big, when she plays hide and seek, the only place she can hide is the horizon.

Yo mama is so big, her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard.

Yo Mama is So Poor

Yo mama is so poor, she waves around a popsicle and calls it air conditioning.

Yo mama is so poor, when I saw her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, and she said, “Moving.”

Yo mama is so poor, she can’t even afford to pay attention.

Yo mama is so poor, she chases the garbage truck with a grocery list.

Yo mama is so poor, ducks throw bread at her.

Yo mama is so poor, she went to McDonald’s and put a milkshake on layaway.

Yo mama is so poor, when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people’s fingers.

Yo mama is so poor, she can’t afford to go to the free clinic.

Yo mama is so poor, she couldn’t afford the “o” in “broke.”

Yo mama is so poor, she has to wear her McDonald’s uniform to church.

Yo mama is so poor, she can’t even afford to live in a cardboard box.

Yo mama is so poor, she washes paper plates.

Yo mama is so poor, she eats cereal with a fork to save milk.

Yo mama is so poor, burglars break in and leave money.

Yo mama is so poor, she can’t afford to have her two cents worth.

Yo mama is so poor, she has to take the trash in.

Yo mama is so poor, she uses her belt as a car seat.

Yo mama is so poor, when she heard about the Last Supper, she thought she’d won a free meal.

Yo mama is so poor, when I asked what was for dinner, she took off her shoelaces and said, “Spaghetti.”

Yo mama is so poor, when she goes to the zoo, the ducks throw her bread.

Yo Mama is So Ugly

Yo mama is so ugly, her portraits hang themselves.

Yo mama is so ugly, her birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she walks into a haunted house, she comes out with a job application.

Yo mama is so ugly, she turned Medusa to stone.

Yo mama is so ugly, even Scooby Doo couldn’t solve that mystery.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she was little, she had to trick-or-treat by phone.

Yo mama is so ugly, her shadow quit.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she walks into a room, the rats jump on chairs.

Yo mama is so ugly, her pillow cries at night.

Yo mama is so ugly, she made an onion cry.

Yo mama is so ugly, even her reflection ducks.

Yo mama is so ugly, her photos hang themselves.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she was a kid, the school bully was scared of her.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she took a bath, the water jumped out.

Yo mama is so ugly, she makes onions cry.

Yo mama is so ugly, her birth certificate is a restraining order.

Yo mama is so ugly, even Frankenstein said, “I didn’t sign up for this!”

Yo mama is so ugly, the doctor is still smacking her.

Yo mama is so ugly, she gives Freddy Krueger nightmares.

Yo mama is so ugly, when she went to a haunted house, she came out with a paycheck.

Yo Mama is So Old

Yo mama is so old, she owes Jesus a dollar.

Yo mama is so old, she babysat Yoda.

Yo mama is so old, her birth certificate says “expired.”

Yo mama is so old, she remembers when rainbows were black and white.

Yo mama is so old, her birth certificate is in Roman numerals.

Yo mama is so old, she used to babysit the Flintstones.

Yo mama is so old, she knew Burger King when he was a prince.

Yo mama is so old, she knew Cap’n Crunch when he was a private.

Yo mama is so old, she drove a chariot to high school.

Yo mama is so old, she knew Mr. Clean when he had an Afro.

Yo mama is so old, she has an autographed Bible.

Yo mama is so old, she walked out of a museum and the alarm went off.

Yo mama is so old, she farts dust.

Yo mama is so old, she sat next to Moses in third grade.

Yo mama is so old, her high school diploma is in hieroglyphics.

Yo mama is so old, she took her driving test on a dinosaur.

Yo mama is so old, she has Adam and Eve in her contacts list.

Yo mama is so old, she still owes Moses a quarter.

Yo mama is so old, she was a waitress at the Last Supper.

Yo mama is so old, she has a picture of the Last Supper on her cell phone.

Yo Mama is So Skinny

Yo mama is so skinny, she can hula hoop with a Cheerio.

Yo mama is so skinny, she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.

Yo mama is so skinny, she turned sideways and disappeared.

Yo mama is so skinny, she has to run around in the shower to get wet.

Yo mama is so skinny, when she wore a yellow dress, she looked like a No. 2 pencil.

Yo mama is so skinny, when she drinks juice, she looks like a thermometer.

Yo mama is so skinny, she can dodge raindrops.

Yo mama is so skinny, when she skips a meal, the sidewalk cracks.

Yo mama is so skinny, she could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Yo mama is so skinny, she uses ChapStick for deodorant.

Yo mama is so skinny, she has to wear skis in the shower.

Yo mama is so skinny, her pajamas have one stripe.

Yo mama is so skinny, she uses dental floss for toilet paper.

Yo mama is so skinny, she has to wear a belt with Spandex.

Yo mama is so skinny, her shadow looks like a garden hose.

Yo mama is so skinny, she swallowed a meatball and thought she was pregnant.

Yo mama is so skinny, she has to tie knots in her shoelaces to keep her feet from slipping out.

Yo mama is so skinny, she wore a meatball as a necklace.

Yo mama is so skinny, she jumped in a pool and everyone thought she was a Q-tip.

Yo mama is so skinny, she wore a watch and it looked like a hula hoop.

Yo Mama is So Lazy

Yo mama is so lazy, she stuck her nose out the window and let the wind blow it.

Yo mama is so lazy, she has a remote to operate her remote.

Yo mama is so lazy, she’d rather kill time than work.

Yo mama is so lazy, she waited until spring to rake the leaves in the front yard.

Yo mama is so lazy, she sees a banana peel and waits for someone to slip on it.

Yo mama is so lazy, she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs.

Yo mama is so lazy, she has a stay-at-home job and she still can’t get out of bed.

Yo mama is so lazy, she makes Garfield look like an Olympian.

Yo mama is so lazy, she took a 9-hour nap on Monday morning.

Yo mama is so lazy, she won’t even move to pick up her winning lottery ticket.

Yo mama is so lazy, she didn’t do anything when she was on fire because she was too lazy to stop, drop, and roll.

Yo mama is so lazy, her bed has a couch potato award.

Yo mama is so lazy, she can’t even be bothered to finish her own sen…

Yo mama is so lazy, she changed her mind and wouldn’t even put up a fight.

Yo mama is so lazy, she watches a TV series in fast forward so she doesn’t have to sit through the whole episode.

Yo mama is so lazy, she orders pizza to be delivered to the microwave.

Yo mama is so lazy, she waits for the ice cream truck to break down in front of her house.

Yo mama is so lazy, when she finally got a job, she called in sick because she was too lazy to get up.

Yo mama is so lazy, she only works part-time as a couch potato.

Yo mama is so lazy, when she got a job, the first thing she asked for was a chair.

Yo Mama is So Weird

Yo mama is so weird, she has a picture of a brick wall hanging in her living room for inspiration.

Yo mama is so weird, she brings a spoon to the Super Bowl.

Yo mama is so weird, she puts M&Ms in alphabetical order.

Yo mama is so weird, she goes to the dentist to get her teeth sharpened.

Yo mama is so weird, she went to a funeral and said, “I didn’t order this!”

Yo mama is so weird, she counts the steps on an escalator.

Yo mama is so weird, she brought a ladder to a bar because she heard the drinks were on the house.

Yo mama is so weird, she tries to drown fish.

Yo mama is so weird, she tried to eat cornflakes with chopsticks.

Yo mama is so weird, she tries to sell her car for gas money.

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