Do you know how amazing you are? Sometimes we forget to remind ourselves, and that’s where powerful affirmations for self love come in to remind you of how great, capable, and awesome you are every day.
Daily self-love affirmations will make you feel strong, happy, and ready to take on the world with confidence and happiness.
Daily Self-Love Affirmations
Start your day on a positive note. Good vibes only, please. These daily phrases invite goodness and kindness into your day and remind you of what’s most important.
I love myself just as I am today.
I choose to be kind to myself.
May I experience something abundantly good today.
I am my own best friend.
It is natural for me to love myself.
Today I am stepping into boundless possibilities.
I am grateful to be the person I am.
I love each part of myself.
Nothing matters more than love.
I honor my life.
I appreciate all the ways that I am unique.
I celebrate the love in my life. I celebrate the love that I give. And I celebrate the love that is given to me.
I accept my awesomeness.
I love who I am.
I am open to the opportunities today brings.
I am calm and relaxed in all situations.

My muscles are relaxed.
Today, I will give myself space to grow.
My tension is melting away.
I am relaxed and calm.
I am committed to personal growth today.
I am comfortable around other people.
I am thankful and grateful for the good in my life.
I love myself; I love my body; I love my mind; I love who I am.
Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.
I am releasing all negative emotions from my system.
I am enough.
I deserve a peaceful and loving life.

I am breathing slowly and deeply, filling myself with calmness.
I am unaffected by the judgment of others.
I am letting go of all my worries and fears.
I deserve happiness and joy.
I am strong.
I am calm and at ease.
I surround myself with peace and pleasant emotions.
I am wanted.
I choose to move my focus on happy experiences.
Despite how I feel, I understand this feeling and situation are temporary.
I trust myself.
Serenity, tranquillity, and other pleasurable emotions engulf my being.
My thoughts are slowing down.
I am perfect just the way I am.
My breathing is anchored from within my core and this breathing is relaxing to my body and mind.

As my body and mind become more relaxed, I can problem-solve more effectively.
I am reclaiming my power.
I am naturally stress-free.
I am on my way to becoming the best version of myself.
I am letting go of my worries.
I am in control of my life.
I have never given up; even when life gets hard, I am still here.
I am a positive person who attracts positive things into my life.
I am equipped to handle this situation effectively.
I deserve good things; I deserve happiness and joy.
This situation will pass, so I choose to deal with it calmly.
I trust my intuition and I am always guided to make wise decisions.
I have the ability to reclaim my power.
My peace is my power.
Today, and every day, I choose joy.
Positive Affirmations for Self-love
These positive phrases will help you remind yourself that you’re worthy of happiness and love.
I trust the Universe is looking out for my higher good.
Everything is going to be okay.
One day at a time, one step at a time.
I am worthy of love just for being who I am.
I am in harmony and balance with life.
Releasing stress is easy.
I choose to feel peaceful.
Love is a birthright for each and every one of us, me included.
I am a good person who deserves happiness, health, and peace.

There are some things I can’t change, and I’m OKAY with that.
Good things continually happen to me.
Feeling relaxed is my normal state.
I am deserving of contentment, joy, and peace.
I am worthy of good things.
I am inhaling confidence and exhaling fear.
I deserve to feel happy and full of live.

I am accepting myself unconditionally.
I have endless strength.
I belong here.
I am so much stronger than I realize.
I have the power to face any difficulty.
I am kind to others and inspire others to be kind and that feels great.
I am powerful.
It will all be okay.
I believe in my goodness.

Everything is easy for me to handle.
I am learning to support my best self.
Everyone is worthy of love and care, and that includes me, even if I don’t feel like it applies to me.
With each passing moment, I am feeling calmer.
I deserve to be kind to myself.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
I go through life one step at a time.
I am in control of my thoughts.
The words of others do not affect me.
I am proud of myself.

I am capable of handling my responsibilities.
Negativity bounces off of me.
I allow myself time to heal.
I am releasing myself from stress.
I am in control of myself; I am in control of my life.
I am relaxing each part of my body.
I appreciate my life with all of my heart.
I am beautiful inside and out.
Self-Esteem Affirmations for Self-Love
I am at home in my body.
All is well in my world. I am calm, happy, and content.
I am capable and prepared.
I listen with love to my body’s messages.
I deserve all that is good.
I have everything I need to do this well.
My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.
May the light within me shine through.
I make the decisions for myself.
I am independent and in control of my life.
I am courageous, confident, and competent.
I am worthy of good experiences.
I am becoming calm with every breath I take.
I have a lot to offer.
I accept all of me unconditionally.

Every situation is easy for me to handle.
My voice and opinions matter.
I am capable.
My life is a blessing.
I am strong and confident.
I allow myself to be who I truly am.
Look at me getting outside of my comfort zone!
I am feeling light and at ease.
Everything is under control.
I give myself the chance and opportunity to heal.
I’m confident I will achieve my goal.
Each day that passes, I heal more and more.
I am focused and alert.
My breath is slowing; my fast thoughts are slowing; I am in control.
I can see the finish line as I begin this race.
I am stronger than I know.
I am my own hero.
My worth is not determined by the outcome.
I’ve done tough things before and got through them and I will again.
I trust that everything is going to work out for me.
I can do hard things.
Today I am aiming for good enough, not perfection.
I can control my own peace and my peace is my superpower.
Progress, not perfection.
It is okay to take today one step at a time.
I am attracting positive healing energy to myself.
I am okay.
I have all that I need to get through this day.
I matter; my life matters.
Self-Care Affirmations for Self-Love
I take time to nourish my whole self.
I am a priority in my own life.
May I enjoy a deep, restful sleep.
I choose to live in the moment and take things one day at a time.
My self-care is worth making time for every day.
My body and spirit are at rest.
I take great care of my body, for it is a temple and I treat it with respect.
I have the right to complete all my needs.
I give myself permission to have restful sleep.
I am responsible for taking care of myself.
Self-care is important to me.
I am grateful for what I did today.
I always make time to nourish my body, mind, and soul.
Every day, I put focus on caring for myself as I care for others.
I will try again tomorrow.
It is okay to go at my own pace.
I’m ready for peaceful sleep.
I promise to be kind to myself.
I am at peace.
I deserve to be here.
I am safe and secure. I can rest comfortably.
Every day I am getting better.
I forgive myself.
My space and boundaries are important.
I make the decisions.
Self-Love Affirmations for Anxiety
You can’t always steer clear of life’s challenges and when you’re struggling to stay afloat, these phrases will help you remind yourself that you have what it takes to get through them.
I am safe at this very moment.
I am becoming stronger every second.
I never give up trying.
I am gradually opening up to feel inner peace.
The truth is I am blessed, loved, and supported.
I can take this anxiety and bring it along with me for this challenge. I don’t need to feel ready in order to do well.
I am deserving of kindness and compassion.
I am stronger than I think I am.
I trust the process of life.
May I experience comfort and peace in this difficult time.
I am not my anxiety; I am not what my fears try to tell me I am.
Life is always working for me.
My body is calm.
I never give up growing.
I can rise above any obstacle—any fear.
I am safe and in control.
I believe in my potential.
I appreciate my life and find things to be grateful for.
I have the ability to overcome setbacks.
I am doing the best I can with what I have in this moment.
I believe in my ability to get through tough times.
I am blessed, loved, and supported.
I’m not broken, I’m human.
I am so grateful for this life.
I accept myself and bring peace to my mind and heart.
I believe in myself here and now!
It’s okay to not be okay.
I am healing.
I love myself.
I’m okay with my imperfections. Nobody is perfect.
Failures and mistakes help me move forward.
I respect myself and treat myself with kindness and love.
I am worthy.
This body makes things happen; this body is strong.
I am mentally strong and I am capable of doing this.
I deserve good things.
I get back in life what I put into the universe.
I am in control of my anxiety; my anxiety is not in control of me.
Who I am becoming makes me proud.