74+ Funny 40th Birthday Quotes: Laughter, Wisdom, and Aging Gracefully

Funniest 40th birthday quotes will tickle funny bone and keep the laughs coming all day.

They say life begins at 40, and what better way to celebrate on this exciting milestone than with a hearty dose of laughter? Turning 40 is a reminder that life is a gift, and getting older is something to cherish with a smile. Whether you’re looking for funny wishes to include in a birthday card, a speech, or just to make someone’s day, hilarious birthday jokes and one-liners are guaranteed to make everyone laugh.

Let’s make your 40th birthday or the celebration of a loved one a truly memorable and joyous occasion.

Birthday Jokes and One-liners

Age is like underwear. It creeps up on you.

Enjoy 40 in all its glory.

I regret to inform you, but your 30s have expired.

May the 40s be with you.

At 40, your favorite form of exercise becomes napping.

Let’s drink some Red, Red Wine. Cause UB40 now.

You’re still a special lady 40 years on. Here’s to the next 40.

Congrats on turning 20 for the second time.

The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

Don’t let aging get you down. It’s too hard to get up again.

May 40 be a magical year.

funniest 40th birthday quotes

To a special sister/brother on your 40th. Here’s to another 40 years with you.

Middle age: that time when you finally get your head together – then your body starts falling apart.

Keep on rocking in your 4-ohs.

Oh Christ, it’s your 40th.

You know you’re getting old when you can’t walk past a bathroom without thinking, “I may as well pee while I’m here.”

Show your fifth decade who’s boss.

funniest way to say happy 40th birthday

Just when you think life couldn’t get any worse, you turn 40.

The tragedy of getting old: So many candles… so little cake

Congratulations on leveling up from your 30s.

You’re the same age as E.T. And just as wrinkly. And you’ve also got his weird long neck but I wasn’t going to mention that.

You know you’re old when you turn down the lights to be economical instead of romantic.

Gettin’ old is a sight to behold! Happy 40th.

funny 40th birthday quotes to make you smile

You’re nearly as old as Star Wars. You were born a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. And you smell like a Wookiee.

Now you’re twice as fun as a 20-year-old. Just with more back pain.

What goes up and never comes down? Your age!

Enjoy your 40s while you can still remember them!

Happy 40th Birthday. Give those parts a workout before they rust.

You know you’re getting older when an “all-nighter” means not getting up to pee.

funny 40th birthday quotes

I’m thrilled to welcome you to the other side of the hill.

Here’s to 21 years with 19 years of experience.

Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle.

How does it feel to join the middle age club? Happy 40th!

Yikes, you’re no longer ‘late thirties’

Middle age… when “happy hour” is a nap!

funny way to say happy 40th birthday

Age is just a number, but 40 sure is a big one! Happy birthday!

Being 40 means you did stupid before the internet.

Forty’s not that old… if you’re a tree.

You’re growing old, but you don’t have to grow up. Happy 40th!

Don’t worry 40’s the new 30. It’s not but it’s fun to tell yourself that.

When you’re over the hill, you pick up speed.

Funny Happy 40th Birthday Messages

You’re not getting older, you’re just increasing in value…like a good wine or a vintage car!

Now that you’re 40, how’s the view from the other side of the hill?

Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live!

Good food, good friends and even better wine. May your 40th birthday be filled with all the best things life has to offer.

May the joy of your 40th year exceed your wildest dreams. May you have a joyous day today and many more birthdays to celebrate in the future.

You always knew you’d turn 40 someday. Today is that day. Make it a good one!

Happy 40th Birthday Sis, time to get the granny stockings out.

The best part of being over forty, is that you did most your stupid stuff before the internet.

You’re not 40, you’re just double 20.

hilarious 40th birthday quotes

Don’t stress about your eyesight failing as you get older. It’s nature’s way of protecting you from shock as you walk past the mirror.

The time to make new memories is now, for soon you’ll start forgetting them. Happy 40th.

Nothing says a 40th birthday like a best friend whose breasts clap when they walk.

Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.

You’ve been on this earth for over 14,600 rotations. Are you feeling dizzy yet?

hilarious way to say happy 40th birthday

40 is the perfect age. You’re old enough to recognize your mistakes but young enough to make some more.

You’re 173 in dog years.

Don’t be upset about your birthday. Just think, you’re one year closer to getting the senior citizen discount!

Happy 40th to the oldest cousin I have.

lovely funny 40th birthday quotes

Getting older has some benefits… Call it a “senior moment” and you can get away with pretty much anything!

There’s cousin Itt, then there’s cousin tit. That’s you. Happy 40th Birthday.

Forget age. If you can still manage to blow out your birthday candles, everything is dandy.

You know you’re 40 when you’re in an elevator when your favorite song comes on.

most funniest 40th birthday quotes

Happy 40th Birthday, thanks for being the least embarrassing cousin.

You know you’re 40 when getting lucky means a short wait in the doctor’s office.

You know you’re 40 when your back goes out more often than you do.

cute funny 40th birthday quotes

It’s now acceptable to use phrases like ‘back in my day’

You know you’re 40 when your back is hairier than your head.

You know you’re 40 when you have a party and the neighbors don’t even realize.

sweet funny 40th birthday quotes

I was having a good day and then I remembered you were 40. My sincerest condolences.

You know you’re 40 when a kid you once babysat is now your lawyer.

You know you’re 40 when someone offers you a seat on the bus. And you don’t refuse.

40! Midlife crisis time!

amusing way to say happy 40th birthday

Don’t worry, they are not grey hairs, they are wisdom highlights. You just happen to be extremely wise.

Those aren’t grey hair you see. They’re strands of birthday glitter growing out of your head.

It’s not paint, you’re going grey.

To one old cow from another. Happy 40th Birthday to a special friend.

best funny 40th birthday quotes

Happy 40th Birthday to my much, much, much older sister.

A little grey hair is a small price to pay for so much wisdom.

40 might sound old but…. nah I’ve got nothing. It’s old.

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If grey hair is a sign of wisdom, then you’re a genius!

Happy 40th birthday bestie, now’s the time for that face-lift.