The abundance prayer is full of power and prosperity. It isn’t about the power of your belief, but about the power of God working in your life. These sincere words can help you clarify your desires for financial security, wealth, and an overall sense of well-being. Gently, subtly, let prayers fill your soul with abundance. Powerful abundance prayer will change your life if you pray it everyday and when you believe.
Remember, God works in mysterious ways and what may feel painful or decidedly not like abundance right now, may be preparing you for a spiritual abundance, like greater patience, kindness, endurance or strength. Whether you’re seeking financial prosperity, a loving relationship, or simply more happiness, prayers for abundance will bring wealth, joy, success, love, and more.
Short Prayer For Abundance And Prosperity
Good and gracious God, you have always been with me. You have given me everything and yet, I still ask for abundance and prosperity. Please give me a disposition of abundance. Help my spiritual life overflow so that I can help your Kingdom prosper. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.
Abundance Prayer for Financial Prosperity
Here is the abundance prayer that works:
From The Light of God that I AM.
From The Love of God that I AM.
From The Power of God that I AM.
From The Heart of God that I AM.
I Decree:
I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance.
The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source.
The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish expression.
Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.
I now open my mind to receive my good.
Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen.
With God as my Source, nothing amazes me.
I Am not burdened by thoughts of past or future.
One is gone. The other is yet to come.
By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest.
I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth.
My mind is quiet.
From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase.
Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God provides for me in wondrous ways.
I AM indeed grateful. And I let it be so.
That’s it so simple and so beautiful.
These affirmations can help you transform your thoughts to create your true desires:
I am worthy and deserving and I accept abundance and prosperity into my life now!
I believe that there is more than enough in God’s universe.
The channels of abundance are open now and the gifts of love, fulfillment, joy, happiness, and prosperity flow easily into my life.
An abundance of money and wealth flows consistently into my life.
I am blessed with the riches of life and I love to share with others.
Most Powerful Prayer For Money Abundance
There is no doubt that prayers coming from the pure heart are the best way to communicate with God.
Money prayer help you attract more wealth and abundance into your life to make it full of abundance including money and prosperity.
Say the following money prayer with all sincerity, faith, and belief. Let go!
O Beloved God, Salutations, and Greetings!
I approach you as your child and your own creation.
With a pure heart, I ask for your divine grace.
Please shower on my abundance of money from your infinite source on a regular basis.
Your ways are innumerable and methods beyond my comprehension. Hence it is best that I leave to you the timings and sources through which you send the money and riches.
Whatever you do I trust that it is for my highest good.
With full faith in you and your miraculous ways, I open my body, mind, and soul to receiving your gift of financial wealth and riches.
I pledge to use the money for my good and good of others.
God’s will be done! Thank You
O Subconscious mind! I command you to be instrumental in gracefully accepting God’s gifts in the form of Money, Wealth, and Abundance to make me Rich and Prosperous. Be open to following whatever path Universe shows in this regard.
Prayer for Abundance of Wealth
Heavenly Father, grant me the wisdom to use my gifts wisely and the humility to remain grateful when blessings come. Expand my horizons, open doors of opportunity, and guide me to honest work that brings both prosperity and purpose. Let my wealth, present or future, be a means to help myself and others. May abundance flow into my life as a reflection of goodwill and positivity.
4 Sentence Prayer for Abundance
Divine Presence, I trust in Your boundless generosity, asking that You fill my life with prosperity. Remove any limiting beliefs in my mind and open me to receiving all good things. May each opportunity bring growth, joy, and success. I promise to share my blessings and give thanks daily.
Daily Prayer for Prosperity
Today, I welcome every gift life has in store for me. Help me see new paths for success, keep me steady in my goals, and strengthen my spirit against doubt. Let my work be guided by honesty and passion, so the fruits of my labor lead to enduring prosperity. May I remain grateful with every step, honoring the source of my abundance.
Passionate Prayer for Unexpected Income
Jesus, my Savior and Miracle-Worker, You work in such unexpected and mysterious ways. For who can plumb Your depths or rise to Your great heights? Who can search out Your ways and behold Your glory? I am in a dire situation, and I need Your help. I ask that You provide income in unexpected ways. Do it, Jesus. Work a miracle in my life and deliver on this request through Christ, my Lord. Amen.
The Most Powerful Abundance Prayer For Wealth
Almighty and Everlasting God, so many ask for wealth for its own sake. Their reward is in the money itself. Mammon is their only God. I ask You for wealth, not for my gain, but that I may use it to bless others. Therefore, I petition You to increase my means of earning. Help me to bring in more, so that through You this money may be used to help others in Your name. Amen.
A Prayer for an Overflowing Abundance of Love for Others
Oh, gracious father, You are so loving towards me. You have given me life and breath and everything. Give me a greater understanding of how high and wide Your love is. Develop a super-abundance of love in me for others. I realize I struggle to love those around me. Center me in Your love and change my heart to love others. Keep me from becoming callous to those around me but ground me in love for others. As Jesus so loved me, spur me on to love others. Amen.
Powerful Prayer For Prosperity and Wealth
Oh, gracious father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The giver of all good and perfect things.
Lord Jesus, the earth is yours and the fullness thereof.
You own the earth’s riches with abundance in silver and gold.
Lord grant me the inheritance as your child.
Bless me as you have blessed Abraham.
I pray for divine access to the Abrahamic blessings you have promised all those who fear and worship you.
Thank you, Lord, for your answered prayers.
Short Prayer for Prosperity
Lord, bless me with prosperity.
Guide me in wise financial decisions.
Open doors of opportunity for me.
Provide for my needs and the needs of my family.
Help me to be a good steward of Your resources. Amen.
Lord, I ask You today for prosperity in my finances. Help me to know where I should invest my money, what jobs I should have, and how I should spend my time. Amen.
Strong Prayer For Abundant Blessings
Lord Jesus, I come today longing for your true abundance and abundant blessings.
I know that already…
Your unconditional love is poured out on me.
You have blessed me in the highest blessings in Christ Jesus by the gift of salvation– eternal life and relationship with You.
I have an abundance of Your mercy.
I have an abundance of Your faithfulness.
I have an abundance of Your goodness.
I have an abundance of Your grace.
You always give me what I need.
Bring fresh healing and abundance to my life spiritually, relationally, financially, and physically.
Dear Lord, I pray you would bless me with your abundance in unexpected ways.
By the power of God and in Jesus name I pray.
Giver of Bread
Lord God, giver of bread, we bless You for your Heavenly kindness. There can be no famine while the bread of Heaven endures, and help us to remember that when we are forgetful of Your infinite kindness.
How blessed it is to know that we shall not want forever, as You will not allow Your children to go without bread.
However long the day, and hard the work, we have the rest and the bounty and the bread. Happy and grateful are we! We have You who plan our daily feast for us. As we eat of the bread of Heaven we shall continue to prosper on earth. Kind Lord, feed me until I shall want no more!
Make Us Worthy of Your Blessings
We thank You oh God for your generosity and kindness and ask that You hear us in this hour of financial need. Make us worthy of Your blessing and keep us from further want.
Help us restore our abundance here on earth, so that we may turn more attention to Your divine kingdom. We have worked so hard, and yet there is no end to our lacking. Grant us this wish, and make us worthy of its fulfillment. Amen.
Supply All My Needs
I give thanks to God for this day, in which My dream will flourish, my plans will succeed, My destiny will be assured, and the desire of my heart Will be granted in Jesus’ name.
The money I need will know my name and address Before the end of this month. As I awake this morning, may my life be clean, Calm and clear as the early morning dew. May the grace of the Almighty support, sustain and Supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. Amen!
Prosper in School and Work
Dear God the Father, I praise and glorify you. I pray that You help me in my studies. I know that You want me, Your child, to prosper in all my endeavors.
Give me Your knowledge and wisdom as I study for my lessons and exams. Let me learn my lessons properly and understand them completely. I pray that I overcome all my academic weaknesses. Take control of my thoughts.
Bless me with this, O Lord, for your greater glory. Let me be a blessing to my family that I love so much. I thank You in advance for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Prosper in New Job
My Loving Father, I cast all my worries upon You. I have so much anxiety and fear in my heart about this new job I have. Fill my heart with the desire to do great things and bless the work of my hands. I completely trust You and have deep faith in You.
Let all that I do be pleasing to you. Grant me wisdom and knowledge that I may do what is good and true in all the days of my life. Let me feel Your might presence, dear God, as I give You my praise and thanks. Amen.
Prayer To Fulfill Us With God’s Abundant Mercy
Fulfill us, Dear Lord, in this hour of the day, with the abundance of your mercy that we may go on our way rejoicing, and may delight in your praises all the day long;
Through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Daily Prosperity Prayer
Dear God, Thank you so much for all you have given me. I am so happy and grateful for the abundance I already have. You amaze me with your love, blessings and rewards we receive everyday without even asking or realizing what we are receiving.
Father, I give you my life and today surrender all my financial concerns to you. I already know that you have told me I do not need to worry or have fears about anything. You have already told us that you take care of everything and we just need to trust and have faith.
I completely trust that my finances and debts will be paid and I will have a constant flow of money in my life starting today.
I only think of the positive now never looking at the past. I believe that my prosperity is here and I thank you for it now. I also want to thank you for showing me how to handle my finances carefully and also for teaching me how my prosperity can be of help to your kingdom.
Father, thank you for all your great rewards! I will continue to work diligently and strive to do my best in all that I do. Thank you God, Amen.
Positive Prayers for Financial Blessings
I pray for wisdom for finances.
Blessed be You Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.
Psalms 68:19
God, You wish above all things that we would prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. With Your help, I am prospering. I am in health. My soul is prospering.
3 John 1:2
The whole earth is Yours Lord. All that I am and all that I have are Yours. Help me to be a good steward over all You have trusted me with.
Psalms 24:1
Lord, thank You for multiplying all of my resources. I am increasing. Your blessings are always more than enough.
Psalms 115:14
As Your Word says – You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing…
You are bigger than any financial challenge I will ever face.
Psalms 145:16
Lord, You have given us the power to get wealth, so that we may help to establish Your covenant and spread the gospel. I take action daily to improve my finances. Your economy is always a great economy and filled with Blessings.
Deuteronomy 8:18
God, I pray that everything that You have called me to do will continue to prosper.
I am blessed going in and blessed going out.
I am blessed to be a blessing to others.
Deuteronomy 28:6
Your blessings make us rich, and You add no sorrow with it. Thank You for leading me to true prosperity – including things money cannot buy.
Proverbs 10:22
God, with Your blessings, we attract riches, and honor, and the abundant life.
Proverbs 22:4
In everything, I give thanks to You Lord!
I keep the words of Your covenant, and do them, that I may prosper in all that I do.
Thank you for all of my blessings.
Deuteronomy 29:9
Prayer for Abundance and Prosperity
Almighty and Everlasting God, You are the font of all goodness and righteousness. Through You, even the lilies of the field are adorned and prosper. You have created me in Your image, let Your gifts abundantly fill my cup until it overflows. Bless me with the riches of righteousness and the prosperity of faith, so that my treasure will be stored up in heaven. Amen.
An Abundance Prayer: Asking God for a Full Abundant Life
Almighty and Everlasting God
I think of the words of Jesus, that He came to give life that satisfies. I confess that I have been trying to find things of this world to satisfy me and they aren’t working. Lord, I ask You for wealth, not for my gain, but that I may use it to bless others.
You say to ask, and we will surely receive. You have set me free, Lord, I can have a new perspective. I am thankful for your gift of salvation, for eternal life. I am grateful for the inheritance you have given me. I am thankful that I can communicate with you and can experience the beauty of your presence.
Shower me with abundance and let Your servant prosper. Financially bless me.
In Jesus’ name, I pray,
Angel of Prosperity and Abundance Prayer
Beloved healers and insightful teachers, to the majesty of the universe and the source of all energy and power, I reach out to you now. I pray to you to open my heart so I can receive the blessings.
To the Archangels who guide humanity and to the angels who do the same, I reach out to you now. I ask that you hear my prayer and help lead me to abundance. So please assist me to fulfill my wishes to increase the prosperity and abundance in my life.
I thank you for all that you’ve done for me, and I ask that you light the way so that I may continue on my journey. Teach me what I need to know to manifest wealth in my life. Show me the path to take that will lead me to great abundance and prosperity. Amen!
Prayer for Abundance
Dear Lord, I thank you for freeing me, freeing me from the chains that bound me, from trying to keep up with this world, from the law of sin and death. Lord, because you have freed me, I can experience abundant life.
Lord, I thank you for sending the Holy Spirit, who guides me and reveals wisdom. Oh Lord in Heaven, I come before You today for the sake of prosperity and protection. Lord, bless me so that I may prosper in all the things I do in my life. I shall prosper financially, spiritually, and health-wise by Your will. Oh Lord, The giver of all good and perfect things, I pray You also protect me so that I will live a long and fruitful life. In Jesus Name I’ve Prayed.
Abundance Manifestation Prayer
Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for the infinite supply of wealth, health, love and every good thing flowing in my life. Thank you for the abundance of opportunities that come to me and the beautiful wealth attracting ideas that flow into my mind and into my heart. Thank you for anointing my mind and heart with your deep, everlasting and abiding Wisdom and Love. I thank you for your eternal care and perpetual blessings. Amen.
Prayers for abundance don’t just ask for wealth or material comfort; they also cultivate gratitude, inner peace, and the wisdom to use blessings responsibly. By grounding yourself with daily or short prayers focused on prosperity, you set a hopeful tone for growth. The simple words above can serve as a gentle framework—feel free to adapt them to your personal beliefs and experiences. As you repeat them, let each line resonate with sincerity, guiding you toward a life of fulfilled needs, purposeful ambition, and heartfelt gratitude.