104+ Pregnancy Announcement Captions for Instagram

Hey there, soon-to-be parents, and all you excited friends and family members! Sweet pregnancy announcement captions will perfectly encapsulate your excitement and love.

This is the moment filled with so much love and anticipation that you can’t wait to share it with the world. Creative baby announcement captions help you express your joy. From clever wordplay to simple messages, heartfelt pregnancy announcement captions will make your announcement a memorable and shareable event.

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Best Pregnancy Announcement Instagram Captions

The best is yet to come… (due date).

Trick or treat. We’re expanding our family by two feet.

Welcoming our little one on (due date).

Springtime is fun. Summer is Rad. Fall is the first time. We’ll be a mom and dad.

Being pregnant means every day is another day closer to meeting the love of my life.

Our zoo is expanding by two feet this winter, and our fur kids will be siblings!

And baby makes three.

It still doesn’t feel real to say this, but we couldn’t be more excited to say… that a sweet baby is coming this year.

You + me = three.

We have been quiet over here for a good reason! Baby coming in! We are so excited to become parents to a baby in our arms.

An adventure is about to begin.

We have been keeping a secret! Thank you, Jesus! We can’t wait to meet our precious baby in .

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First came love, then came you.

I know these announcements can sometimes be hard to see. If that’s you, I’m sending my love, hugs and all the baby dust.

Even miracles take a little time. #babyontheway

Spring is in the air, and we have big news to share. We’re expecting.

We can’t wait to meet our new addition on (due date).

We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch.

What will they look like? We simply can’t say. We’re so excited for our delivery day.

The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny feet.

Ten little fingers, ten little toes. With love and grace, our family grows. This precious soul, so sweet and new. This little life, a dream come true.

captions for pregnancy
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Best present ever.

Roses are red, violets are blue, on (due date) our little miracle is due.

New plus one, coming soon!

We’re going to need a bigger car.

I’m in love with a human I haven’t met yet.

Cute Pregnancy Announcement Captions

We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch in (due date).

Bump it up! We’re expecting.

Happiness incoming.

We’ve been keeping a secret… it starts with a “b” and ends with “aby.”

Flowers aren’t the only thing blooming this spring!

I like big bumps, and I can not lie.

There’s more than turkey in this oven!

We’re promoting ourselves from dog parents to human parents.

The more, the merrier!

Whoa, baby!

No tricks, just treats!

Mini-me coming in [insert month]!

We solemnly swear that we’ve been up to no good. Baby due in .

Looking forward to a new tax deduction next year!

A child fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty.

I’m seeing a lot of sleepless nights and baby cuddles in our future…

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Each day of being pregnant means another day closer to meeting the other and the most special love of your life.

I now have a new title: Mom.

I don’t know who you’ll be, but I know you’ll be my everything.

I’m trading in my purse for a diaper bag.

You’re the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.

Time to spill the beans — we’ve got a baby brewing.

Every superhero needs a sidekick!

“If I am thinking correctly,” said Pooh, “a new baby is probably, undoubtedly, the grandest gift that could ever be.”

I’m no baker, but I’ve got a bun in the oven.

Oh, baby! We’re expecting our first!

Creative Baby Announcement Captions

And then there were three!

We decided we were tired of sleeping in and doing whatever we wanted all the time.

We did a thing.

We have found the recipe for happiness.

Bun in the oven. Bake at 98.6°F until [insert due date].

Every dog needs a baby.

Roses are red, violets are blue, we’re growing our family of two!

Shhh. We haven’t told the pets yet.

The one where we have a B.A.B.Y.

When two become three.

We’re buckling up for our wildest ride yet.

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One is great, two is fun, so why not add another one?

Boarding now for our newest adventure! Destination: Sleepless nights.

Officially outnumbered.

Mom level unlocked.

What’s one more?

Super tired, super hungry, super pregnant.

The fourth is with us. Empire expanding.

A little cutie is on the way!

This little guy has a BIG secret to share.

Hold on to your party hats — we’re pregnant!

Ctrl + Copy = Ctrl + Paste

More than a food baby.

The sequel is coming.

Here we grow again!

Miracles come in pairs.

Mischief managed.

Sweet Captions to Announce Pregnancy

Next pregnancy, I want to be the dad.

Micro brew.

Silent nights, ending next year.

You’re kicking me, Smalls.

Oops, we did it again.

So… this happened.

You, me, and — finally — three!

captions to announce pregnancy
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I’m giving up things like lunch meat, caffeine, sushi and alcohol for 9 months.

Hold onto your stockings! We’ve got big news.

Look who decided to show up.

New tax deduction, coming soon.

Trading silent nights for more joy to our world.

We’re going to be three peas in a pod.

Break out the pickles and ice cream.

The Bump made me eat it! #PregnantAndHungry

I am happy, healthy…and pregnant!

More laundry coming soon.

Flowers aren’t the only thing growing this spring, and so is our family!

Nothing beats feeling your kicks.

The year I grow a human, but still can’t keep my plants alive!

There’s a new vibe coming to our tribe.

Don’t worry. I had a Tamagotchi. I got this.

We are expecting the baby to arrive any time soon, everything is in place.

Sleep is overrated.

The butterflies you used to give me turned into little feet.