Romantic he makes me happy quotes help you express your feelings. Let appreciate him with these he makes me happy quotes and show your deep affection and gratitude to your sweetheart.
Romantic He Makes Me Happy Quotes
But you make me happy. It’s living up to being happy that’s the difficult part. – Audrey Niffenegger
You have made me happy in every aspect. You have reduced all my pains and filled my heart with unconditional love and happiness.
One day, suddenly there is warmth that I can feel when I see you and it made me very happy.
Even when the fates themselves try to separate us apart, I will never let go of my happiness.
You make me happy and because of that, I want to kiss you and hug you tight and never let go.
I love a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent a man who has a great smile. He has to make me laugh. I like a man who is very ambitious and driven and who has a good heart and makes me feel safe. I like a man who is very strong and independent and confident that is very sexy but at the same time, he’s very kind to people. – Nicole Scherzinger
A smile costs nothing at all and I see that in the way you freely give it away to me day long.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. – Marcel Proust
How do I tell you that you are one of the reasons I will never let go of the life that I am living?

You are special to me in a way that you can change my mood as easily as you can my day.
You are the one that makes my life worth living for and all that I can give to you is my thanks.
I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness. – Drew Barrymore
You make me happy, you make me feel that I am perfectly fine the way I am and I love it, truly.
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there’s a truth in your eyes saying you’ll never leave me. A touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall.. you say it best, when you say nothing at all. – Kieth Whitley
I am just grateful for the person who has tried his best to keep me the way I am right now you.
Being called beautiful makes me so happy. No one ever tells me I am, but when someone does, it makes my world light up. – Anonymous
Even when I am mad at you somehow find a way to make me smile and that’s so amazing.

With no apparent reason, I keep smiling and I know it is because I was thinking of you again.
You never fail to make me laugh and I can never figure out until this day how you do it right.
Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, ‘I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.’ That is why dogs make such a hit. They are so glad to see us that they almost jump out of their skins. So, naturally, we are glad to see them. – Dale Carnegie
I want every day of my life to be just like this, with the two of us laughing out loud, my friend.
He makes me so glad that music is not nearly as lucrative as it once was. – Soulja Boy
There is a charm within you that is dangerous if you learn how to wield it against me, a joy.
Love is so powerful and sweet quotes for boyfriend can help put how you feel into words and make him heart melt.
Sweet He Makes Me Happy Quotes
It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
I want to look away when you catch me looking at you but I cannot seem to do just that, dear.
Even when we get stuck on each other, when all our talks get boring, you make me happy boy.
I just want to tell you that you make me happy and I think I can never thank you enough for it.
Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh. – W. H. Auden
You are very dear to me because you have made me smile countless of times then and again.
Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you. – Dale Carnegie
I do not care if you are not rich or beautiful, you make me laugh and that is enough for me.

You fell in love with someone because of the tilt of his smile, or because he could make you laugh, or in this case, because he made you believe you were the only one who could save him. – Jodi Picoult
A happy ever after is just waiting for me to grab it and you handed it to me with both hands.
I am so infinitely happy that he loves me so much, and I pray that it will always be like this. It won’t be my fault if he ever stops loving me. – Eva Braun
You are the one who makes me think that this life is worth living for you are that person to me.
I think that you might just be a hero in disguise for you always come to my rescue all the time.
One of the best feelings in this world is when you learn how to smile without a reason at all.
If you can make me laugh, my heart is yours! I think there’s nothing more attractive than someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. – Shay Mitchell
When you find the person who can make you smile, I suggest you hold on to that person, love.

I want someone who can make me laugh and just be normal and understand my lifestyle and how I wanna live it. – Selena Gomez
The smile on my face is all because of you and I have to tell you that you make me happy dear.
I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person. – Audrey Hepburn
I thought I cannot get any worst but then I did until you finally came and brought me the sun.
For me, the most attractive thing in a man is the ability to make me laugh. – Mollie King
I want to show you that I can also try to make you as happy as you get me to be always.
When it is hard to express your emotions through words, to my husband quotes help you express your feelings to your partner and make him feel special.
Beautiful He Makes Me Happy Quotes
You must have been the one that kept me sane all this time, I just want to let you know that.
If I can just stay like this, beside you, feeling all the joys of the world, I gladly would, my love.
You are my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away. – Jimmie Davis
So I am telling you from now on, that you are my favorite place and you have always been.
And certainly, this would seem to be supported by everyday evidence. Happy peasants. – Lisa Grunwald
It’s the thought of being with you that cheers me up all because you make me happy, my love.
Some people do regret not having spent more time with their families. And if another baby will make you happy, it’ll make me happy too. – Lisa Grunwald
He has a way of making my heart smile.

He answers my question with a question. How can you tell when a person is happy? I suggest that, for one thing, happy people tend to look happy. He grins. And what does that mean? he asks. Well, I smile a lot. I laugh. – Lisa Grunwald
There’s just something about you that seems to make me smile maybe coz you make me happy.
You may not believe me right now but one of the reasons of my smile is no one else but you.
You brought happiness in my world and now I cannot imagine how a life without you looks.
What makes you happy? It would make me happy if you would do the apartment. – Lisa Grunwald
I think that you must be full of joy because only those who are happy can bring happiness.
I feel genuine happiness whenever I’m by his side.
You deserve to be happy. “Oh, I know, sweetie. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter. But just so you know, he makes me happier than anyone I’ve ever known.” – Kate Russell
Just the thought of him brings a smile to my face.
There is something in the way you look at me that just makes me fills me up with joy, you do.

Oh, he quite adores me. You should see us together. He opens the door for me, even the car. Such a gentleman, standing up every time I do. – Kate Russell
You make me happy even when the sky is too angry that it pours down so hard and drowns us.
He makes me happy. But he did make me happy. So happy, once. You can’t sit here and tell me that you don’t believe that I love you. – Anna Todd
His presence lights up my day.
You make me happy, and that is enough for me, good enough to give you my heart, my dear.
Being in his embrace fills me with pure happiness.
Love can often be hard to express or put into words, let say “I love you” with good morning love quotes for him and make him feel loved and cared.
Lovely He Makes Me Happy Quotes
Happy, she replies and eyes begin to sting. – Anna Todd
If you were a gardener and I was your flower, I think I might have bloomed so much already.
For once just consider what you want, what makes you happy? With big, round, beautiful, bloodshot, and crying eyes, she says. – Anna Todd
There were so many reasons for happiness and for me one of the best of them is only you, girl.
She has a man in her life who obviously cares for her and would do anything to make her happy. She’s so lucky. – Anna Todd
Boy, no one has ever made me feel this way in my life, it is like I am eating pure sunshine.
Something about the way he called me a woman makes me happy, in my life, I’ve always felt like a child because everyone treats me like one. – Anna Todd
I wonder how you make me happy even when I am on my worst days and my saddest moods.

You make me happy and I think that is one of the reasons why I have fallen so hard for you.
You make me believe that there is something good in this thing that is called life you really do.
He makes me feel I am his favorite. He manages to make me feel special, as though in all of time and space, there are just the two of us. – Susan Hill
You make me happy because you dare to try you risk it all and that is all that actually matters.
His patience astounds me. He pursues his children with such persistence, and then he waits for his children to respond. His love is beyond my ability to understand. – Susan Hill
The only reason that I am smiling right now is mostly coz of you and there is no explanation.
He gives me an easy smile. – Lyla Payne
What makes me a happy person is you being there with me every single step of the way, dear.
And he’s seriously one of those guys who can say I only want you to be happy and not sound like a complete and utter douchebag in the process. – Lyla Payne

He is the reason behind my happiness.
You make me happy even when we do not talk at all, even when we do not exchange words.
His laughter is like music to my ears, it makes me happy instantly.
His smile is contagious and always brightens up my day.
I do things that fill me up with happiness and one of those things is to be with you all the time.
Feelings can be hard to express, sweet quotes for him can help you tell your beloved how much he really means to you.
Heartfelt He Makes Me Happy Quotes
Every Hour he makes me happier, by his sweet condescension. – Samuel Richardson
You can make me laugh, you can make me cry but you choose not to, you make me happy love
Has just left me, with the kindest, tenderest expressions, and gentlest behavior that ever blest a happy maiden. – Samuel Richardson
You have shown me what it is like to be filled with joy and overflowing with it, so thank you so
And I write up to the conclusion of this day, that they may see how happy you have made me. – Samuel Richardson
I need not impress everyone else by what I do as long as I am filled with happiness inside me.
He makes me happy he starts my day with his morning wake and hug. – Betty Mills-January

No matter what happens you make me happy and that is enough reason not to let you go ever.
I do not get how you actually do it but you make me happy so easily that I find it impossible.
He has this special ability to bring out the best in me, and it makes me incredibly happy.
How can I ever repay all the kindness you have shown me and the happiness you have given.
I love my brother very much because he is my brother and he makes me happy. – Stanley D. Klein
I cannot think of the day that you are gone with my life, away with all the happiness I feel here
He makes me mad, and he makes me happy. – Nora Roberts
Being with him simply brings joy to my heart.
We’ll find one just as good. We’ll find ours. I love you. He kissed each of her dimples. I’ll make you happy. – Nora Roberts
When we’re together, my happiness knows no bounds.
He was so patient with me, so genuinely happy for me. – Nora Roberts
Before I let you go, I’d just like you to know how positive I have become because of you, dear.
This man makes me want to live a little longer. He makes me want to experience life. I think he can make me happy. – K. C. Hopkins
For making me smile, I want you to know that I appreciate you so much, I do, my dear friend.
I have something better than a dream. I have someone who has the potential to be the real thing. It makes me feel all warm and tender inside just thinking about all of the possibilities. – K. C. Hopkins
You make me happy just by looking at me, just by smiling at me and I know that I am caught.
To make it easier to express your emotions and feelings of love to your partner, funny love quotes for him will help you describe exactly how you are feeling with the most simple wording.
Touching He Makes Me Happy Quotes
One smile from you and I am smiling too, one kiss and I’m on my knees, you make me happy.
All that I feel and all that I know is that you are the only one for me coz you make me happy.
He told me I have beautiful eyes. He loves my eyes! He loves me in blue! – K. C. Hopkins
You make me feel complete, as if I was never broken at all and I can appreciate that so much.
I’m telling you, he brings out the best in me. He even told me he noticed I looked down a lot. He said eyes like mine were meant to be shared with the world. – K. C. Hopkins
Let me show you just how much I appreciate the things you do and all that you have done, girl

He loves me. Pure and simple. He wants me to be happy. – Patricia Lewis
Every single day I want you to be happy and full of joy, just like you make me happy by just passing through my mind. – Donna White
I have found someone. Someone special. He makes my heart sing. I can hear the soft sounds of my favorite instrumentalist playing when he’s near. – Patricia Lewis
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. – Thich Nhat Hanh
He has reached down into the very essence of me and caressed it with love and understanding. He fills all those empty spaces in me. – Patricia Lewis
When I think of you, I always find a smile on my lips and that is because you make me happy.
The man that God has chosen for me to raise is the love of my life. He makes me happy when I am sad; he makes me look forward to another day. – Hasana-Amina
You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like a bird, dizzy in my head. -Volcano Choir
He supports me. He takes away my fear. He takes care of me in the night . He makes me glad. O Happy. – Stephen Elkins
There is a gentleness about you that helps me to realize just how lucky I am to be alive today.
If he only knew how he makes me feel If he only knew that my feelings were real In my mind, I hold pictures of the ideal. He also strokes the brush that paints my canvas I feel secure when he’s around to make me happy. – Jean Clervil
Love sure is a funny thing. Makes you happy, makes you sad, makes you do all sorts of things you never thought you’d do before. – Steven Russell, I Love You Phillip Morris
I have someone, and he makes me happy. – Delaney Diamond
You make me happy by turning my hectic days into the most refreshing ones.
What I know is that he is there for me and he makes me happy. I am still searching but in love I am content. – B. W. Read
Love has no time limit or boundaries. Express your emotions through best deep love quotes for him and make him fall in love.